Construction on our root cellar made with earth bags has begun. Earth bag structures, sometimes called SuperAdobe, is a building method that uses long sandbag tubes filled with on-site earth which makes it more environmentally friendly and cost effective. If you’re interested in helping and learning with us to build with earth bags, please let us know at and follow us @seagate_farm to see the progress.
The purpose of the root cellar is to store our non-off gassing fruit and separate them from ethylene producing fruit. It’s important to keep ethylene producers away from ethylene-sensitive veggies and fruit. Ethylene producers include apples, pears, and tomatoes, while those ethylene-sensitive includes cucumbers, onions, and lettuce.
As a benefit to San Juan Island Grange members, Seagate Farm will offer free cool storage to members for short-term non-off gassing fruits and vegetables when space is available. And a big thank you to the San Juan Ag Guild for receiving a FARM Fund grant to help cover some of the construction cost.
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